
More Than Your Average Translator

At LVFrance Linguistic Services it is all about personal contact and flexibility, where the wishes of the customer are central.

Suppose you have a second home in France, or you are a small to medium-sized entrepreneur and you want to expand your activities to a French-speaking area.

Do you have sufficient command of the language? There is a lot involved in international administration and communication.

An important and often underestimated element is a good knowledge of the language and culture of the country concerned.


your telephone conversations can take place with an interpreter or be handled for you in French


your website is being translated

your brochures will be adjusted

your administration will be handled for you or explained to you.


your appointments can be handeled and confirmed

your bookings and reservations can be made

A Freelance Personal Assistant is the solution for you!

Are you curious about the possibilities? Do you want fast and efficient support in the field of communication?

Please contact me and I’ll make sure it’s taken care of!

Get in Touch

Reach out so we can work together

(+33) 06 77 34 19 15